Local Events
We are often invited to speak at events and host events of our own.
We're more than just a landscaping company. We are looking to change the way people think about design.
Our focus in North America is to design through the lens of the cottage culture. This results in landscapes we feel more connected to. It also encourages plants to be much healthier since they'll be better suited to our climate and seasons. We apply this local lens when designing for other parts of the world as well, so that each space is integrated with the local climate, vegetation, and culture.
When: Sun, Nov 11, 2018 2:00 to 4:30 pm
Where: 39 Emslie St, Guelph ON
How can you prepare your plants for Winter dormancy and give them the best start next Spring?
Practice reading plants, choosing where, why, and how to prune, and then make the cut!
Early Bird $35, after Nov 8th $45.
with Guelph Horticultural Society (if not already a member!)
For more information email: info@urbancottagelandscapes.com
Photo credit: CARTOONSTOCK